var lang = {
"lbl_server_error": "Server Error",
"lbl_try_again": "Please try again",
"btn_yes": "Yes",
"btn_no": "No",
"btn_continue": "Continue",
"btn_cancel": "Cancel",
"lbl_scored": "Scored",
"lbl_remaining": "Remaining",
"btn_ok": "OK",
"btn_move": "Move",
"lbl_filter": "Filter",
"lbl_rows": "Rows",
"lbl_force_fit_columns":"Force Fit Columns",
"lbl_reset_defaults": "Reset Defaults",
"lbl_show_filters": "Show Grid Filters",
"lbl_show_charts": "Show Grid Charts",
"lbl_chart_on": "Turn Chart On",
"lbl_chart_off": "Turn Chart Off",
"lbl_of": "of",
"lbl_show_notes": "Show Notes",
"lbl_hide_notes": "Hide Notes",
"lbl_hide": "Hide",
"lbl_view": "View",
"lbl_add_all": "Add All",
"lbl_sel_all": "Select All",
"lbl_rem_all": "Remove All",
"lbl_item_sel": "Item(s) Selected",
"lbl_rename": "Rename",
"lbl_last_refreshed": "Last Refreshed",
"lbl_delete": "Delete",
"lbl_archive": "Archive",
"lbl_to": "To",
"lbl_limited": "Limited",
"lbl_all": "All",
"lbl_loading": "Loading",
"lbl_loading_ani": "Loading...",
"lbl_three_dots": "...",
"lbl_invalid_task": "Invalid Task Number. Please try again",
"lbl_not_null": "This is a required field and can not be empty",
"lbl_invalid_email": "Please enter a valid Email Address.",
"lbl_invalid_characters":"Invalid characters in field value",
"lbl_invalid_phone": "Please enter a valid Phone Number.",
"lbl_missing_required": "You did not fill out all the required fields.",
"lbl_incomplete_field": "You have incomplete field(s) that do not meet validation rules.",
"lbl_too_long": "The notes or details field is too long. Please reduce the number of characters.",
"lbl_comment_required": "A Comment is Required",
"lbl_ts_good_rating": "Tenant Satisfaction Average Rating is Good",
"lbl_ts_bad_rating": "Tenant Satisfaction Average Rating is Bad",
"lbl_ts_okay_rating": "Tenant Satisfaction Average Rating is Okay",
"lbl_tsd_good_rating": "Service Targets Achieved",
"lbl_tsd_bad_rating": "Service Targets Not Achieved",
"lbl_g_selected_rows": "You must select at least one item.",
"lbl_not_enough_data": "Not Enough Data",
"lbl_public": "Public",
"lbl_private": "Private",
"lbl_upload_one_file": "Please upload at least one file",
"lbl_auto_noresults": "No results found please try again.",
"lbl_new_notification": "New Notification",
"lbl_you_have": "You have ",
"lbl_new_notif": " new notification(s).",
"lbl_start": "Start",
"lbl_end": "End",
"lbl_until": "until",
"lbl_reccurs": "Recurs",
"lbl_hold": "Hold",
"lbl_resolve_hold": "Resolve Hold",
"lbl_new_form_warn": "By saving these details you will lose any form data associated to the previous issue type. We will only retain a record in the history. Do you wish to continue?",
"lbl_new": "New",
"lbl_cancel_wos": "Are you sure you want to cancel these tasks?",
"lbl_cancel_pms": "Are you sure you want to cancel these tasks?",
"lbl_status_changed": "The status has changed on the service request, the page must be reloaded to reflect correct information",
"lbl_form_warn": "Your form has warnings are you sure you want to it submit anyways?",
"lbl_company_update": "Would you like to update the company associated with the charges?",
"lbl_open_po_error": "You have open purchase orders, they must be closed to close this work order.",
"lbl_lab_req_error": "Labor is required to close this request.",
"lbl_not_enough_data": "Not Enough Data",
"lbl_no_charts_enabled":"No Charts Enabled",
"lbl_steps_req": "All steps must be complete to close this request.",
"lbl_readings_req": "All readings must be entered to close this request.",
"lbl_delete_items": "Are you sure you want to delete the item(s)?",
"lbl_grid_refresh": "Auto Refresh Results(5M)",
"lbl_question": "Question",
"lbl_response": "Response",
"lbl_optional_response":"Optional Response",
"lbl_floor": "Floor",
"lbl_suite": "Suite",
"lbl_section": "Section",
"lbl_upload_file": "Upload File",
"lbl_remove_file": "Remove File",
"lbl_replace_file": "Replace File",
"lbl_selected": "Selected",
"lbl_select": "Select",
"lbl_pass_cant_contain":"Your password can not contain the word(s)",
"lbl_the_password": "The Password",
"lbl_building": "Building",
"lbl_company": "Company",
"lbl_region": "Region",
"lbl_city": "City",
"lbl_more": "More",
"lbl_and": "and",
"lbl_address": "Address",
"lbl_state": "State",
"lbl_recipients": "Recipients",
"lbl_none_found": "No Results Found",
"lbl_drag_bldg_add": "Drag to Selected Buildings list to add.",
"lbl_drag_bldg_rem": "Drag to the Buildigns list to remove.",
"lbl_one_recipient": "Please provide at least one recipient, using the recipient list, or by typing a valid email into the input.",
"lbl_start_refreshing": "Start Refreshing",
"lbl_stop_refreshing": "Stop Refreshing",
"lbl_processing": "Processing...",
"lbl_report_invalid": "You did not fill out all the required report fields, please try again.",
"lbl_report_selected_max_buildings": "You can only select 500 buildings at a time.",
"lbl_message_sent": "Your message has been successfully sent. This window will now close.",
"lbl_long_query": "This request is taking longer than expected. Would you like to continue waiting?",
"lbl_show_search_bc": "Show Search Criteria",
"lbl_one_to_hundred": "Rating must be between 1 and 100",
"lbl_bldg_srch_ph": "Search for a building",
"lbl_enter_req_num": "Enter Request Number",
"lbl_assignee": "Assignee",
"lbl_search_crit": "Search Criteria",
"lbl_other": "Other",
"lbl_limit_grid_rows": "The action you are trying to perform is limited to ",
"lbl_limit_grid_rows2": " rows at a time. Only the first ",
"lbl_limit_grid_rows3": " items you have selected will be updated. ",
"lbl_dirty_data_page": "You have unsaved changes on this page.",
"lbl_dirty_data_dialog":"You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to close this dialog?",
"lbl_dirty_data_tab": "You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to close this tab?",
"lbl_move_submit": "Are you sure you'd like to move these",
"lbl_move_submit_region":"building(s) to",
"lbl_list": "List",
"lbl_name": "Name",
"lbl_organization": "Organization",
"lbl_date_before_error":"The end date/time can not be before the start date/time.",
"lbl_date": "Date",
"lbl_days": "Days",
"lbl_select_a": "Select A",
"lbl_grid_export_warn": "Do you want to export the current visible grid columns or all grid columns?",
"lbl_visible": "Visible",
"lbl_no_save_preview": "You can not save in preview mode.",
"lbl_min_max_save_er": "The number you entered is outside of the acceptable range",
"lbl_min_max_error": "Minimum can not be greater than maximum and maximum can not be 0",
"lbl_one_resp_req": "You must provide at least two possible responses or allow custom response entry",
"lbl_max_4000": "The maximum length can not exceed 4000 and must be larger than 0",
"lbl_duplicate_rows": "You can not have duplicate responses, please review and make necessary changes.",
"lbl_refresh_warn": "We seem to be having an issue generating the report you have requested. Please contact the Building Engines Support Team at 781-290-5300 before attempting to run this report again.",
"lbl_tenant": "Tenant",
"lbl_vendor": "Vendor",
"lbl_report_complete": "Your report has finished executing. Please check your email.",
"lbl_missing": "Missing",
"lbl_date": "Date",
"lbl_next_step_error": "You must complete the previous step(s) in order to proceed.",
"lbl_warn_tax" : "You have selected a starting effective date that is prior to today. All Work Orders with Taxable charges added within the effective window will have tax applied retroactively.",
"lbl_take_photo": "Take Photo",
"lbl_retake_photo": "Retake Photo",
"lbl_no_photo_error": "A photo is required for this visitor",
"lbl_print_badge": "Print badge",
"lbl_checkin_early": "You can not check-in a visitor outside of their scheduled date(s).",
"lbl_first_last_error": "Please provide a first and last name.",
"lbl_vis_email_error": "Please enter visitor email",
"lbl_geolocation_set": "Geolocation set",
"lbl_out_off_office": "Out Of Office",
"lbl_change_status": "Change Status",
"lbl_schedule": "Schedule",
"lbl_add_comment": "Add Comment",
"lbl_collapse": "Collapse",
"lbl_expand": "Expand",
"lbl_no_tasks_assigned":"No Tasks Currently Assigned",
"lbl_details": "Details",
"lbl_note": "Note",
"lbl_due_date": "Due Date",
"lbl_created_date": "Created Date",
"lbl_equipment": "Equipment",
"lbl_requested_by": "Requested By",
"lbl_status": "Status",
"lbl_location": "Location",
"lbl_priority": "Service Level",
"lbl_reassign": "Reassign",
"lbl_on_hold": "On-Hold",
"lbl_sla_date": "Next SLA Date",
"lbl_updated_date": "Updated Date",
"lbl_type": "Type",
"lbl_doc_required": "Document Required",
"lbl_invoice_mistmatch":"Your coding costs and total cost must match.",
"lbl_copied_q_suc": "Copied Question Successfully, you may copy it again or close this popup."
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